Nesha Z. Haniff
Nesha Z. Haniff
(734) 764-5513 | nzh@umich.edu | http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/nzh/
1984 Ph.D. Social Foundations of Education University of Michigan
1979 M.P.H. Health Education University of Hawaii
1974 B.A. Sociology University of Michigan
1999-Present University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Afro-American and African Studies
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Senior Lecturer Dept. of Women’s Studies
2000-Present The Pedagogy of Action Director
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Attempting to transform ourselves and our world through the
process of teaching a simple HIV module Afro-American and African Studies
2015 – Pres. Education and praxis with chronically poor women moving into sustainable jobs in Jamaica
(In Progress) Proceedings of the 2015 Pedagogy of Action Symposium in Johannesburg
2003 – 2012 Jamaica Aids Support for Life Senior Program Advisor
1995 – 1998 Women’s Reproductive Health Project Director: WAND, Barbados
1997 – 1999 Govt. of The British Virgin Islands National Survey of Domestic Violence
1990 – 1997 Georgetown, Guyana Red Thread Women’s Collective: Developed Low Literate
Education Modules for Women’s Health
1988 – 1994 The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Lecturer – Women’s Studies
1988 – 1994 The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Lecturer – Center for Afro-American and African Studies
2015 – Pres. Education and praxis with chronically poor women moving into sustainable jobs in Jamaica
(In Progress) Proceedings of the 2015 Pedagogy of Action Symposium in Johannesburg
Funding awards for the Pedagogy of Action
2009-2015 University of Michigan, Office of the Vice Provost for the Pedagogy of Action
2015 Vice Provost for Global and Engaged Education
2015 African Studies Center: For the Pedagogy of Action Symposium
2014 Center for World Performance Residency award for choreography of the Pedagogy of Action
2014 OAMI, Cornerstone award (2014)
2012 University of Michigan – LSA Excellence in Education Award
2008 & 2009 Community Educator Award, one of 33 awards given internationally for the International Retroviral Infections (CROI)
2008 Experiential Learning Fund Award for the Pedagogy of Action
2008 Lecturer’s development Fund award – University of Michigan.
2008 John Shaw Memorial Scholarship (Ten scholarships awarded internationally to attend the International Conference On Microbicides, Delhi, India)
2008 Full Scholarship Award received from The International Conference on Microbicides
2007 H.E.A.D.S. award: Recipient of the Third Annual celebration of Professional women of Color
2006 Ginsberg Award: Outstanding Faculty for Service and Social Action
2004 Social Justice Careers Alumni Making the Difference, Arts of citizen project 2004 - Arts Of Citizenship Award
2003 Ginsberg Award: Outstanding Community Service Program
POA Symposium
Symposium honoring Ten years of Activism
2000-2010 The Pedagogy of Action - A Symposium of 10 years of the Pedagogy of Action Methodology of HIV Activism in South Africa , the Caribbean and the US, December 3 and 4; Dept. of Afro-American and African Studies
As part of the Pedagogy of Action Symposium of 10 years of HIV Activism in South Africa, the Caribbean and the US, to be held December 3 and 4, the Women’s Studies Department hosted a panel on feminist practice.
Teaching Feminist Practice: Education as a Tool for Social Change
Conference on fifteen years of the Pedagogy of Action
2015 located in Johannesburg and Durban in South Africa – University of Michigan students and alumni along with South African partners presented papers on the theory praxis and impact of the pedagogy of action. Papers were presented on topics such as:
Challenging Empowerment, Challenging POA
POA Consciousness
Who is the recipient?
The Performance Culture of POA
Experiential Learning and Service Learning
Using new teaching methodologies, innovative education modules are developed to empower marginalized populations in the areas of HIV/AIDS, violence and reproductive health; modules are currently being used by CBOs in Jamaica, University of Zululand, Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Soweto - South Africa and the USA. Recent quantitative research shows that over 70,000 people have been reached by this pedagogy.
Transformational pedagogies in Michigan; Students have taught the HIV module to African American populations in Detroit and to gay Muslim groups in Dearborn and church groups in Ypsilanti.
Through the class activism in race and gender and health, students are taught the module to teach their own communities at home, the HIV module and then teach the module in South Africa. This process challenges their construct of the world and provides a moment for them to see how they make a difference in people’s lives through the module. The personal and political transformation that they undergo radically changes their view of themselves and they become conscientized about social injustice in their professions and their lives. Over 100 students have been radicalized this way.